Grand Valley made a giant heart shaped valentine card that we asked the JCPenny's store
manager to pass on to corporate headquarters. The front of the card said "JCPenny's Be My Sweat-Free Valentine" and the back of the card said "JCPenny's don't break our hearts! Tell Jones Apparel (Dockers, l.e.i., Jones New York, etc.) to come to the bargaining table with workers in good faith, and put an end to the severe human and labor rights violations at the Rising Sun factory in Kenya and the Avandia factory in Guatemala!"
We were dressed up in lots of red and pink to deliver the card and I think the manager
thought we were a singing telegram group at first because she seemed really excited to
talk to us...she called mall security after she read the back of the card though.
-lara/GVSU SAS-
Yay, go Grand Valley!!! I (heart) GV-SAS